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Author: Anthony Trust 1

Top Signs You Need to Call a Plumber ASAP

Plumber Fixing White Sink Pipe With Adjustable Wrench

Your sewer and drain lines need regular checks and maintenance repairs to keep them functional for many years. However, in spite of your best efforts, plumbing issues may still arise and you may require urgent services from Trust 1 Services, the top plumber in Quincy, MA.

Here are some of the signs that you need to call a plumber ASAP.

Smelly Drains

Foul odors are among the first signs you will notice of plumbing issues. Should they become persistent, you need to call a reliable plumbing company for prompt drain cleaning. Foul odors indicate the presence of a building clog that is preventing your wastewater from flowing into the sewer line. For this, you’ll need drain cleaning solutions to clear the pipes for effective drainage.

Low Water Pressure

If your water pressure keeps decreasing, have your plumbing checked immediately. This drop may be due to clogging in the inlet pipes or faucet or the wrong pressure setting. It might also be due to an unnoticed pipe leak that wastes water before it gets to your tap.

Skyrocketing Water Bill

If you notice a spiking water bill, yet your water usage has not been increasing, you might have a hidden leak. Leaks might seem minor, but they waste gallons of water daily. Therefore, it’s imperative that you have immediate plumbing repairs to restore proper water usage. Another risk of ignoring leaks is structural damage and moss and mildew growth. The damp environment also promotes respiratory issues and allergies.

No Water Supply

A sudden break in your water supply can be quite a hassle. If this isn’t a county issue affecting the area, you need to call your local plumber for emergency plumbing solutions. This complete lack of water signifies a major problem in your piping, such as a pipe burst, complete blockage, or frozen pipes. All these require urgent attention before they advance and cause significant damage.

At Trust 1 Services, we discourage waiting for drain issues to subside or using DIY tactics that risk increasing the damages. We pride ourselves in prompt responses and excellent repair work to restore the efficiency of your pipes ASAP. Reach out to us at Trust 1 Services for drain and sewer repairs, and enjoy trustworthy and reliable solutions in Quincy and the surroundings!

How Sediment Buildup Affects Your Water Heater

Water heater tank interior with sediment buildup

Tap water typically contains mineral elements that can cause plumbing issues such as sedimentation. This issue can be a cause for concern because it can affect plumbing fixtures and appliances–particularly your water heater.

As the premier company for water heater repair in Westwood, MA, Trust 1 Services has taken on plenty of jobs involving water heaters plagued with sediment buildup. Below is a close look at how it can affect your water heater.

Diminished Efficiency

Part of the mineral components of sedimentation includes calcium and magnesium. A mound is formed on the heater’s floor as they increase with time. It creates an insulating barrier between the heating element and the tank, causing it to be less efficient as time goes by. The effect is uneven heating of water. The water might get too hot; sometimes it won’t get heated at all. The good news is that with proper water heater maintenance, you can prevent this from happening.

Frequent Repairs

Accumulating too much sedimentation will leave you with frequent repairs for your water heater. You may be forced to get a water heater replacement or frequently repair your heater’s heating elements. Time and money are spent repairing these parts time and again.

Shortens the Unit’s Service Life

Sediment collection may also affect the durability of your water heater. As sedimentation builds up in your tank, corrosion occurs, which leads to leakage. When repairs are no longer viable, you’ll need to make a switch. It’s in this regard that a tankless water heater is ideal. While sediment can still affect it, it is much easier to maintain.

To avoid the effects of sedimentation in your water heater, ensure regular flushing annually to prevent buildups and the complications they bring. For all your water heater installation, maintenance, and repair needs, turn to Trust 1 Services. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!

Top Things You Need to Consider Before Installing a New AC System

Newly-installed AC system

In the hot, muggy days of summer, nothing can seem more luxurious than the cold breeze coming from an air conditioner. But as every homeowner knows, a faulty AC system can make your living space uncomfortable. When it comes to your home’s comfort, Trust 1 Services, the experts on air conditioning repair in Milton, MA, know just what type of air conditioning system you need.

Below are some of the factors you need to consider before buying and installing a new air conditioning system.


The cost of an AC system is one of the most significant factors in installing a new air conditioning system in your home. The price varies based on the size and brand of the unit you select, how it is installed, the number of rooms you want the system to cover, and many other factors. When researching prices, consider all factors that might affect your final bill. Air conditioning installation costs can vary dramatically based on some factors and should be estimated with an allowance for the unexpected.

Energy Consumption

This is perhaps the most crucial factor you should consider while deciding on a new AC system. The more energy efficient your air conditioning system is, the less expensive it will be to operate. One of the best ways to determine the efficiency of a particular unit is by consulting with an independent company specializing in energy efficiency. Many air conditioning replacement estimates provided by Trust 1 Services are adjusted to reflect any energy efficiency savings.


The last thing you want is for your air conditioning system to break down mid-summer, which is why you’ll want to consider the durability of any potential replacement unit. The last thing you need is a breakdown during a heatwave. This is why quality and durability are so important; newer units tend to be more durable than older models and can handle extremes in temperature better. Also, remember that air conditioning maintenance is essential to increasing the longevity of your AC unit and ensuring that it continues to operate effectively in your home.

Installing a new air conditioning system need not be a stressful prospect. Keep these factors in mind and you’re sure to get the type and model that’s perfect for your needs. For quality air conditioning services, lean on the Trust 1 Services team. We’ve got all your cooling needs covered. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!

The Common Causes of Heating System Damage

heat recovery ventilation system

As the colder months fast approach, the more we rely on our heating systems to keep indoor temperatures at comfortable levels. This is precisely why we need to make sure that they are in perfect condition while the weather isn’t chilly.

Trust 1 Services, the premier company for heating installation in Quincy, MA, knows and understands how much of an inconvenience a malfunctioning heating system can be. To help you prevent issues from arising, here’s a look at the most common causes of heating malfunctions.

Dirty or Clogged Filters

Dirty or clogged filters are a common cause of heating system issues. If your filters are not clean, they restrict airflow and cause your system to work harder than it needs to. This leads to increased energy costs and shortened lifespan. Without regular maintenance, you’re likely to need a full heating repair procedure sooner than you need.

Thermostat Problems

If your thermostat is not working correctly, it can prevent your heating system from turning on or cause it to turn off prematurely. Moreover, it causes the unit’s efficiency to dip. This causes a major inconvenience, especially during the colder months. Always have your thermostat checked regularly and replace it as needed.

Lack of Maintenance

Regular heating maintenance is a must–you just can’t afford to skip it. If you do not have your system serviced regularly, it can lead to decreased efficiency and increased wear and tear. Schedule frequent maintenance for your system to prevent various issues from springing up.

Poorly Designed Ductwork

If your ductwork is poorly designed, it can restrict airflow and cause your system to work harder than necessary. This results in increased energy costs and shortened lifespan. Ensure your ductwork is checked by a professional during heating services to ensure it is appropriately designed.

Stay warm and cozy indoors–even through the cold months–with regular heating maintenance services. Let Trust 1 Services make sure your system is in peak condition all year round. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!

Best Practices For an Efficient Plumbing System

Water flowing down the drain

Keeping a healthy and efficient system is one of the most important–yet often neglected–aspects of home maintenance. Oftentimes, property owners don’t pay attention to their plumbing until there is a complex problem. This is a common practice that should be stopped immediately.

As the premier plumber in Quincy, MA, Trust 1 Services has helped clients avoid complex plumbing issues by providing top-notch maintenance services. Below are some of the best practices you can do to keep an efficient plumbing system.

Insulate Your Pipes

In plumbing, the benefits of insulation go beyond just pipe protection. With it, you also minimize heat loss and effectively maximize the efficiency of your water heating system. With insulated pipes, your water supply is much warmer and won’t need to be constantly heated for it to be put to use.

Switch to a Tankless Water Heater

Tankless heaters are becoming increasingly common in households today–and with good reason. They are compact and energy efficient. On top of that, they also require minimal maintenance and have a much longer service life so you won’t be concerned with replacing them in emergency plumbing scenarios. Though the initial cost may seem like a bigger financial commitment, the savings you’ll rack up makes it a worthy investment.

Make Use of Low-Flow Fixtures

The average household wastes volumes of water daily. By utilizing low-flow plumbing fixtures, this can be significantly reduced so you can save on monthly water and energy bills. Among the fixtures that can benefit from low-flow technology are showerheads, faucets, and toilets. They are also quite durable so you won’t need to worry about plumbing repairs as much.

Your search for a reliable plumbing company ends here. With Trust 1 Services, you’ve got a dependable partner that can render the plumbing services you need–be it installation, maintenance, or emergency repairs. On top of that, we do so at easy-on-the-budget rates. Reach out to us today to schedule an appointment!

Ill Effects of Hard Water on Water Heaters

Hard water is a common problem in the United States. Most homes are not equipped with a reverse osmosis system, mainly because they are unaware that there is hard water in their supply. It can be a serious problem for you and your water heater. Your water heater is designed to heat water but can be contaminated by hard water deposits in the tank. This can force you to pay extra money for your heating bill.

Let Trust 1 Services, the expert in water heater repair in Quincy, MA, explain here the ill effects of hard water on your water heater.

Reduced Efficiency

Hard water contains minerals that deposit on the internal parts of the tank. This reduces heat transfer between the water in the tank and the elements within. As a result, it takes time to heat up, inconveniencing your shower, laundry, or dishwashing. For a tankless water heater, the mineral deposits cause premature burnout of electric heating elements. Therefore, there would be a need for early replacement.

Shorter Lifespan of Your Water Heater

Because hard water contains more minerals, it accelerates corrosion inside your water heater. This puts pressure on your water heater, causing frequent damage. As repairs become more frequent, you’re likely to be better off with a new water heater replacement.

Frequent Tank Drainage

It’s important to drain your water heater tank once every year to remove sediment buildup at the bottom of the tank. However, with hard water, there’s more buildup of sediments. Because of this, you’ll need more frequent water heater maintenance procedures. This wastes your water, time, and money.

You can expect a shorter lifespan and higher costs from your water heater when using hard water. That’s why installing a reverse osmosis system is well worth the investment. Turn to Trust 1 Services for all your water heater installation, repair, and maintenance needs. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!

Top Air Conditioning Myths Debunked

Air conditioning myths are nothing new and even seem to be multiplying as the years go by. However, let’s remember that these myths have no grounding in reality. Let Trust 1 Services, the top company for air conditioning repair in Quincy, MA, debunk the most common ones here for you.

Air Conditioners Dehumidify the Air

This is a common myth we hear during air conditioning installation services. Air conditioners cool the air and make it less humid by removing moisture from the indoor environment. This is why they are often referred to as dehumidifiers as well. The idea that air conditioners dehumidify the air is based on two myths: one that says that all humidifiers do something similar, and another that says that a refrigerator does this.

Turning Air Conditioners Off and On Lowers Efficiency

This air conditioning replacement myth is based on a faulty understanding of what happens when you turn your air conditioner off. The truth is that turning off the AC can cause condensation, which can lead to poor performance and even damage the compressor—turning it back on causes the refrigerant in your system to expand rapidly, which harms performance.

Closing Vents Improves Efficiency

Vents are designed to remove moisture from the air and cool the air down. If you close vents, you’re increasing the air’s water, which means you’re more likely to get condensation on your windows. Always consult reputable companies that provide air conditioning services before acting.

Ceiling Fans Help Air Conditioners Perform Better

Ceiling fans can hurt your air conditioner’s ability to perform better. They pull air into the room and raise the temperature of the air. This makes it harder for the air conditioner to cool down the space since it has to work harder to cool down the room. For AC units that perform better, don’t skip air conditioning maintenance schedules.

The best way to prevent a problem is to understand the possible causes and learn how you can identify a potential situation before it turns into a larger one that could cost you a lot of money. Hopefully, you now have ample knowledge and can always consult, to avoid risk problems in your home. For all your air conditioning needs, contact us at Trust 1 Services!

Heating Maintenance Routines You Should Never Skip

A breakdown in your heating system can make what could otherwise be a cozy time at home an uncomfortable one–especially when the colder months set in. That’s why keeping your heating system in good shape through regular maintenance routines is vital.

Let Trust 1 Services, the trusted name for quality heating installation in Quincy, MA, discuss maintenance routines that you should never skip.

Check the Filters

One of the most important things you should do is check the filters. Over time, they can become clogged with dust and debris, reducing your furnace’s efficiency. If you have a reusable filter, remove it and rinse it with water. If you have a disposable filter, replace it with a new one. During maintenance, you should always check the filters to see if they are dirty.

Clean the Blower

The blower is responsible for circulating air throughout your home, and if it becomes dirty, it can reduce the efficiency of your furnace. Remove and vacuum the blower with a brush attachment to clean it. A heating maintenance routine should always include a thorough cleaning of the blower.

Lubricate the Moving Parts

Over time, the moving parts of your furnace can become dry and sticky, which can cause them to break down. To lubricate the moving parts, apply a few drops of oil to them and then wipe off any excess with a clean cloth. Most heating services should include this routine.

Inspect the Thermostat

When checking the heating system the thermostat should be inspected thoroughly. It is responsible for regulating the temperature in your home and, if it isn’t working correctly, your furnace may not operate optimally. To inspect the thermostat, remove it from the wall and check the batteries. If the batteries are dead, replace them with new ones right away.

For quality heating repair and maintenance, trust only the experts in HVAC services: Trust 1 Services. You can count on us for all your heating needs. Contact our team today to schedule an appointment!

Things to Avoid During a Plumbing Emergency

If you’ve ever experienced dealing with a plumbing emergency in the past, you know that it can be a handful. Emergency plumbing situations have a way of going bad–and fast if you do not act promptly. When one happens, the last thing you want to do is compound the situation with otherwise avoidable mistakes that can create an even bigger mess.

From Trust 1 Services, your most trusted plumber in Quincy, MA, here are things you need to avoid during a plumbing emergency.

Ignoring Minor Issues

If you’ve ever had a problem in your home that needed professional attention, you know how important it is to act fast. It’s always better to take care of a minor issue immediately than to let it worsen into a full-fledged emergency plumbing situation. Dealing with a small problem can save you money in the long run.

Opening Your Drain

Even if you’ve got an overflowing tub or sink and are in dire need of quick plumbing repairs, don’t try to open your drain. You might not realize it, but most drain covers are designed to be waterproof; most of the time, these covers are intentionally made to keep water in. This is done for safety reasons and ensures that nothing comes out of your home’s drains by mistake.

Flushing Items That You Shouldn’t

We all know it’s easy to forget that some things we flush are not supposed to be flushed down the drain. As long as you’re not putting anything down that doesn’t belong there, there’s no reason to add more trouble and expense to your plumbing problem.

Fixing the Problem Yourself

If an emergency plumbing problem arises, don’t make the mistake of resorting to DIY solutions. Remember that even if there are plenty of resource materials available, plumbing is complex. Tackling plumbing repair procedures requires thorough training and specialized equipment. It’s better to call a reputable plumbing company as soon as possible.

When plumbing emergencies strike, act fast. Contact our team at Trust 1 Services right away. We’re sure to give you the plumbing services you need, no matter the situation.

The Dangers of Overlooking Sewer Line Maintenance

If you own a home, you know how much work and expense go into upkeep. Everything from cleaning gutters, swapping out air conditioning filters, killing bugs, and many more need to be done. But have you ever considered the maintenance of your home’s sewage system?

As the go-to company for sewer repair in Quincy, MA, Trust 1 Services has provided many homeowners with sewer line maintenance services over the years. Here, we discuss the many consequences of overlooking it.

It May Lead to Clogs

Because of how easy it is for sewage lines to get clogged, it is one of the most typical plumbing emergencies. Sewer blockage is a common problem caused by putting trash down sinks. Frequent hair washing in sinks and tubs and rinsing of dermatological and hygiene products may also be enough to block sewage pipes. To a large extent, routine issues with sewage lines may be avoided with enough forethought. Take trash management seriously and be strict about it. Should a clog persist, however, we offer sewer pipe line repair services at affordable costs.

Tree Root Intrusion

Tree root intrusion is always a possibility when trees are present on your property. A root invasion of a sewer system may lead to compromised pipes. Among the many symptoms you can expect are sewage backups of sewage and leaky pipes. The damage can be so extensive and expensive to fix so timely maintenance and repairs are of the essence. Should your pipes turn out to be beyond repair, you’ll have no other recourse but to replace sewer line sections that have been damaged.

Leaking Pipes

Regular sewer line maintenance can help you to stay on top of the condition of your pipes. Water pipes deteriorate with age and may be damaged by the fluids they carry. Most of the time, they can bear the strain, but if the fractures worsen, the pipe will eventually burst. The good news is that you can turn to us for quality sewer line replacement, should this happen.

For top-quality sewer repair services, count on Trust 1 Services. We offer foolproof plumbing solutions and speedy results at bargain-bottom prices. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!